DEAR BROTHER'S BEST FRIEND: A Curvy Girl Romance (SINCERELY YOURS Book 4) Read online
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“It won’t help. When my headaches get like this, the only way to make them go away is darkness and quiet.”
I take this as my cue to leave her alone. I can go sit out on the patio by the private pool that overlooks the ocean. I can’t swim, but the view will be spectacular.
“I’m going to leave you alone to rest up a bit before Hayden gets back with Dylan.”
Jodie waves her hand at me, and I slip out the sliding glass door. The sun is starting to set low in the sky, sending an array of warm colors bouncing off the ocean.
“There she is!” Hayden shouts from the gate.
I wave my hands frantically at him and shake my head. I walk around the pool towards him as he steps inside, followed by Dylan.
“Jodie is inside resting,” I whisper and point over my shoulder. “I think that you might want to wait a bit before heading inside.”
“Oh no.” Hayden runs his fingers through his hair. “Headache?”
“Big one.”
He nods. “Okay, we can all just hang out here for now. Our dinner reservation isn’t until eight. You can wait to eat until then, right?” He turns to Dylan.
But Dylan's not paying attention to Hayden. His eyes are on me when I look at him. There's an expression on his face like he's seeing something new for the first time. It can't be me. We grew up together.
"Hey, Dylan." I give him a half-wave, knowing full well not to try and go in for a hug.
He's not much of a touchy-feely guy, but in recent years I’ve noticed it’s only with me that he doesn’t touch me. The one person in the world whose touch can set every nerve ending in my body on edge can't stand to get close to me.
“Cassidy, it’s been a long time.” Dylan steps forward and pulls me into his arms like he’s been doing this forever.
I'm so shocked by this new development. I tense up and can barely lift my arms to hug him back before he's pulling away.
“Well, that was just weird looking," Hayden says.
“What was?” both Dylan and I ask at the same time.
Hayden shakes his head like he doesn't know the answer.
“I don’t know? You two are like—” he links his fingers haphazardly together, trying to mimic the awkwardness of the hug.
Dylan and I glance at one another. He’s not wrong. I imagine the uncomfortable smile on his face mimics my own.
“Why not skip the reservation tonight?” Hayden says, moving on past the uneasiness that has settled around us. “Jodie’s not going to be up for going out, and I don't want to leave her alone. We can order some room service and eat out here. What do you guys think?”
“Sounds good to me,” I say.
“Me too,” Dylan adds.
“Great.” Hayden claps his hands together and starts walking towards the bungalow. “I’ll go get the menu.”
Neither of us moves or says anything until Hayden is inside. I'm not sure what is going on that is making everything feel so weird. I mean, I'm always a bit reserved and hyper-aware when Dylan is around me, and he's always so calm and relaxed. Why is he acting so weird?
“Should we go sit down?” He gestures towards the patio table by the pool.
We walk over, and I feel his fingertips brush gently against my lower back like he's guiding me. That is twice now in less than five minutes where he's found a way to touch me after practically a decade of keeping me farther than arm's length.
I take a seat on one side, expecting him to take one on the other, but he doesn't. He sits down in the chair closest to me. I'm not sure what’s going on right now, I feel like I'm in an alternate dimension, and I'm suddenly living the life I wanted where Dylan looks at me as more than just being Hayden's sister.
“Okay, what’s going on with you?” I blurt out.
“What do you mean?”
"I don't know. You're acting weird." I point towards the bungalow. "Even Hayden noticed it."
Dylan tilts his head to the side like he's confused by my reaction to his new weirdly attentive behavior. He opens his mouth to respond, but the sliding glass door opens, and Hayden emerges. I glance back at Dylan, but whatever he was about to say, he seems to decide better of it.
I have to admit that last night was awkward, at least at first. I didn’t understand why Cassidy was acting like she didn’t understand the change in me. She writes me a letter, professing her love, and when I show what I thought was a positive reaction, she clams up. With Hayden sitting outside with us and Jodie joining us later, we didn't have another private moment to talk about the letter.
It wasn't until later that night, when I got up to my room after everyone else went to bed, that I pulled out the letter and read it over again.
I read the line that she wrote, “This letter will never reach you,” over and over again. If she never intended to send this letter to me, how did I get it? I tried to play out different scenarios in my head that would find the letter being mailed off without her knowledge. I drifted off to sleep, thinking about the letter blowing out a window and a good Samaritan picking it up off the street and mailing it out.
I’m determined to find out today exactly what happened. And hopefully, if I’m lucky, it might lead to something bigger than I could have imagined for myself only twenty-four hours ago.
"Okay, people, we have a big day ahead of us." Jodie pulls out a clipboard from her bag under the breakfast table.
It's early, so the restaurant is pretty quiet, with only a few people trickling in. The view of the ocean from our table is second only to Cassidy sitting across from me. The tightly fitted sundress she's wearing hugs her soft curves in a way that makes it very hard to concentrate on what Jodie is saying.
“Cassidy, I’m going to give you the critical job of finding me a replacement veil.”
The look of concern that flashes in Cassidy’s eyes refocuses my attention on the conversation.
"Are you sure you want me to take care of something so important?" she asks as she slowly pushes the vase of flowers on the table away from Jodie.
Hayden chokes on his laughter but quickly recovers.
"I know that I may have overreacted when the airport called yesterday," Jodie says. "But I've realized that either I can have a high-stress perfect wedding, or I can try to roll with the punches and not have a mental breakdown over something like the color of the table linens being Eggshell, instead of Snow Mist.”
“That's quite the turnaround," Cassidy says.
"I'm proud of you." Hayden leans in and gives her a quick kiss.
As much as I hear the call of the ocean telling me to get in some surfing time, Jodie reminds us that we arrived early to make sure all the wedding plans are ready to go before the guests start arriving later tomorrow.
“You’ve all been given your assignments. It shouldn’t take more than a few hours to get what we need finished. Then you can get a little bit of time later today to relax or go sightseeing or whatever you want to do.”
I glance over at Cassidy, but she’s focused on the list that she’s been handed. The tiny crease between her brows tells me that her list is likely longer or harder than mine. Maybe I can convince her that we should work together on our assignments. It would be the perfect opportunity to get some alone time with her.
The check for breakfast comes, and I grab the black folder before Hayden can. I slip my credit card in before handing it back to the waiter.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Hayden says.
“Please, you got dinner last night.”
Hayden claps me on the back and pushes back in his seat. "You ready, Jodie?"
She looks up from her phone and stands up. They say their goodbyes, leaving Cassidy and me alone.
“You okay?”
She looks up from her list. “Yeah, I’m just not sure how I’m going to get this all done in time.”
“Can I help? My list only has three items.”
“I don’t want to keep you from getting so
me free time before the wedding.”
I shake my head. "There's nothing I'd rather do on this island than help you make sure all the items on your list are complete. Besides, maybe if we get everything done on time, I thought I’d see if you be interested in taking a dip in the ocean with me.”
The expression on her face looks like I just suggested we rob a bank or something. “I don’t think so.”
“Really? Why not?”
“I don’t swim.”
I stare at her. “Since when?”
"Since you and Hayden flipped the canoe at Lake Eden, and I nearly drowned.”
The memory of an eight-year-old Cassidy begging to let her go canoeing with us pops into my mind. Neither of us wanted her to tag along, but her tears won out in the end when Hayden's mom insisted we take her. Hayden was pissed about having to drag his little sister around, so we thought it would be funny to tip the canoe to scare her. We didn't anticipate her standing up instead of holding on. She proceeded to go right over the edge into the water.
“I forgot about that.” I run my hand over the back of my neck.
Cassidy glares at me. “I didn’t.”
"I was the one that jumped in to save you. That has to count for something.”
“Hardly makes up for the fact that you were part of the reason I fell in the water in the first place.”
She’s right.
“Let me make it up to you.”
“How? Do you have a time machine?”
“No.” I chuckle. “But if I did, I’d go back and kick little Dylan’s ass for making you cry.”
Her steely expression softens. Even angry, she's gorgeous, but I'd much prefer the less angry Cassidy. "How will you make it up to me?"
“I can give you a swimming lesson in the private pool.”
She shakes her head. "And have you and Hayden laugh at me. No, thank you."
"Hayden is taking Jodie out for a surprise dinner tonight. There won't be anyone to see you except me, and I can assure you that I'm not going to laugh."
I can see the wheels turning in her head as she starts to talk herself into it. I don't say anything. I don't want to put my foot into my mouth and ruin this one-on-one chance with Cassidy. The fact that I will get to show off my abs to her and get to see Cassidy in a bathing suit is just a bonus.
“Fine, but if you are just setting me up for some twisted joke between you and Hayden, I will not hesitate to remove a certain appendage from your body that you hold most dear.”
I can’t help but smile. She’s trying to sound menacing, but it just comes off to me as adorable.
I want to kiss her so badly. I just have to hope that there might be a chance later.
There is no way I would have gotten everything done today without the help of Dylan. His behavior today was just as confusing as last night. He kept me focused on working one task at a time, so I didn’t feel overwhelmed by it all. He even stepped in a few times to help me deal with some cranky vendors, charming them into whatever I was asking them to do. He didn't even flinch at the bridal shop when we went in to pick out a veil for Jodie, and the store clerk confused us for a couple shopping for our wedding.
“We don’t often see the grooms in here helping their fiancée to shop for a dress.”
Dylan loops his arm around my waist and pulls me into his side. “It’s hard to stay away from my girl for too long. I hope you don’t mind that I’m here.”
"Not at all." The clerk giggles. "You two, just let me know if there is anything I can do to help you."
I wait until she’s gone before I pull away from him. This all may be a joke to him, but what I feel is real, and I can’t just turn off my feelings for him like a switch.
"You shouldn't lie like that. Your nose will start growing."
“Who said I was lying?”
We finish up both of our lists just in time for dinner. When we finally get back to the bungalow, Hayden and Jodie are all dressed up for dinner and getting in their rental car when we pull up.
“Dinner with my fiancée tonight!” Hayden calls out to us as we get out of our rental. “Don’t wait up!”
Jodie looks concerned at me like she wants to ask how it went, but Hayden is determined they get going. I give her a nod and thumbs up. It's the least I can do to help ease her mind so that she can relax tonight. She visibly relaxes in her seat and mouths, “thank you,” to me. They both need alone time. The wedding has consumed their lives for so long that I'm sure they need to get back to focusing on just them.
"Are you hungry?" Dylan asks as we walk into the bungalow and set down our bags.
“I’m still full from our late lunch,” I say, resting my hand on my stomach.
"Well then, I guess it's time to get on our swimsuits."
I groan. “I thought you were just kidding about that.”
“Nope.” He shakes his head. “You agreed to it. Plus, I don’t like the idea of you not knowing how to swim. It’s dangerous not to have that skill.”
“You aren’t going to let up, are you?”
“Not a chance.”
“Fine, but when this goes badly, you have no one to blame but yourself,” I call out to him as I head into my room to change.
I can hear through my open window when Dylan dives into the pool. It sounds like he’s doing a few laps. I step lightly over to the window and watch as he glides through the water, the muscles in his back moving with each stroke in the illuminated pool.
Butterflies flutter in my lower belly as I watch him. I've done everything I could to keep from letting my guard down around Dylan. I know all too well the pain of heartbreak from loving someone that doesn't love you in return. I can’t get lost in whatever is happening with him. His one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn is something I always hoped for but never dreamed it could happen.
“Are you coming down?” Dylan calls out, making me jump.
“Be right there!”
I grab my beach towel and check myself one last time in the mirror. I'm already regretting the two-piece suit that I packed. My plan wasn't to wear it in front of anyone I know, especially Dylan, but since it's the only bathing suit I have, I don't have many options.
My soft curves fill out in the shape of an hourglass. It won’t look so bad once I’m in the water. I decide to wrap the towel around me and head down.
Dylan is still doing laps by the time I get to the edge of the pool. He stops just in front of me, wipes the water from his face with his hands, and pushes his hair back.
“Are you coming in?” he asks, looking me up and down.
I clutch the towel tighter to me as I dip my toes into the pool. If the water is cold, I’m not going to get in, but the heated water feels fantastic.
“Any chance I can just sit on the edge and learn by watching you?”
“Nice try, Cassidy. I forgot how much you like to argue with people.”
“I’m not arguing. I’m simply asking if there is another way to learn how to swim.”
“Without getting in the pool? No.”
“Fine,” I roll my eyes. “Turn around then.”
He laughs. “What for?”
“So I can get in without all my bits on display.”
"You're beautiful. I don't know why you think you need to hide."
The way his eyes widen in surprise, I’m assuming the words were out of his mouth before he could stop them.
Does Dylan think I'm beautiful?
He turns around without another word, allowing me to step down the ladder. The water comes up just below my breasts. When Dylan turns around, I watch as his eyes dart down to my cleavage and then back up to me. Only this time, he doesn’t try to hide the fact that he’s looking. He’s not embarrassed, and neither am I. I like the feeling of womanly beauty I feel when he looks at me.
“You ready?”
"I just got in. Isn’t that enough?”
He holds out his hand
s to me. “Don’t be afraid. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
The sincerity in his voice pushes aside my fear of the water, and I put my hands in his. He takes a step back, and I follow. The water begins to rise with each step, but my panic doesn’t take over.
“You okay?” he asks.
“As long as you don’t let go.”
“I won’t ever let you go.”
I glance up at him, and I swear it sounds like there is a double meaning to his words.
If only that were true.
"Okay, you are doing great," Dylan says, stopping three-quarters of the way into the pool.
I can feel the slight decline on the pool floor, and I'm grateful that he isn’t going to make me go into the deep end.
“What now?”
“I’m going to show you how to float.” He steps closer to me and dips his right hand under the water to my lower back.
“Don’t let go of me.”
“I promise. I’ve got you.”
His left hand goes under the water to help guide my legs back up to the surface. I’m ridged at first, feeling like I need to stay straight as aboard, so I don't sink.
“Relax your body,” he says.
It takes me a few times to fully relax my body in Dylan’s hands. Eventually, I feel his hands move away from my body.
“I’m doing it!” I laugh, and Dylan joins in.
Suddenly there’s a loud boom, and I panic. I try to stand up, but we've drifted in the water, and my feet can't find the pool floor. My head dips below the surface.
Dylan’s strong hands wrap around my waist and pull me up. I sputter and cough out the water I inhaled in my panic.
“I’ve got you,” he says.
I wipe away the water from my eyes with one hand while I hold on to him with another.
“Are you okay?”
I nod, barely able to speak. “It just scared me.”
“It sounded like a car backfir—” he starts to say until I cut him off.
I press my lips against his and feel his grip around me tighten. I can feel every hard muscle in his body pressed against mine as we float together. His hand drifts down my back and grips onto my ass. I deepen the kiss as I link my legs around his waist, allowing him to pull me closer against his hard cock.